Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Saying good bye to 2012 and Hello to 2013!!

  As the year ends you reflect on the good the bad and the in-between, over all 2012 was a good year for us as a family.. Jay worked a ridiculous amount of hours over the year which allowed us to have many blessings!!
Four Wheeling out Government Draw
 We traveled and had some amazing adventures.. We went to Vegas in February with my parents. In March the Oilfield Wives Williston through a Charity ball to raise money for relay for life which was amazing!! We raised $4,000 at the event!! Nick, mom and I made a trip to Salt Lake City for a couple of drs. appointments in May which ended up good, (leighanna came back with us and stayed a month), we went to Rapid City, SD in June with Leighanna. We went home for the 4th of July and were able to purchase a new Four-wheeler and proceeded to break it in over the family camp!! We went to St Paul in Aug and again in November, where Nickolas started a new and exciting adventure for him as he started Botox treatments in his legs to help with his muscle tone so he can hopeful learn to walk!! He is responding quite nicely and has loosened up tremendously!! We have made that trip twice now for two treatments and have more to make in the new year!!

Pink Gloves Certification

 I also became a certified Pink Gloves Boxing instructor.. I have been doing the circut style boxing for over a year now and love it so i made it a goal to become a instructor when they said the class would be in Williston, I said bring it on!! I have been working out and doing crossfit workouts for a while and love the lifestyle.. I also completed a 12wk challenge losing 12 pounds and 7 inchs.. I plan to concur another one this year with a goal to run a half marathon in lander for the 4th of July!! I have also taken up photography this year and have become popular among my friends, so i am excited about that adventure as well!!

Nick has started back with school and continues his therapy 4 times a week.. He was a pirate for halloween this year, and attended 3 parties making  out like a bandit!!

  We stayed in williston for thanksgiving and had dinner with Marc and Katrina and family!! Two days after thanksgiving we had quite a scare for our family as Jay had a minor heart attack and was flown from Williston to Minot for treatment.. He started having chest pain, on friday after thanksgiving but was on a job so he treated the pain with ibuprofen and went on his way thinking it was heartburn or something not really sure what he thinks sometimes other then he was to young to be having a heart attack..
Four wheeling government draw
He came home from the job on saturday afternoon still having the pain so he took some more ibuprofen and went to bed.. He woke up sunday morning with the pain still there so I took him in and it went from there.. They confirmed is as a heart attack, did cath scan, ekg, ridiculous amounts of blood work and a ultra sound all coming back normal.. There is a chemical your heart puts off when it is stressed, it usually hangs out at about 2, jays at one point was 22.. He was in the hospital for 3 days because he didn't have to have surgery it was a long (seemed like forever), but a short stay.. He took a week off of work going back light duty for another week then released back to full duty.. They think weight and stress caused it so he is embarking on a major lifestyle change.. We see the dr again in june and he is supposed to be down 30 lbs but has made a goal of 40-50!! He will be starting nutrisystem as soon as it arrives!!

Because of Jays heart attack we decided to save some money and go to lander for christmas as apposed to going to west yellowstone.. We all made out like bandits, Jay getting tools and toys and a brand new truck, me getting a new phone and nook, and Nick getting toys!! After we got home from lander for christmas we decided to end the year with a bang with Nickolas having a seizure caused by pneumonia, influenza ab (respiratory) and a 2 1/2 day hospital stay.. He was on a nice antibiotic cocktail, and breathing treatments which we are currently finishing up!!

Over all like I said we have had a amazing year and can't wait to see what the new year has to bring us!! Hope everyone had a great year and holiday season and enjoys the new year with all it has to offer!!
Nicks 4 yr pictures!