Monday, September 29, 2014

Lifes News!!

Hey so much to say! Its been over a year and so much has happened I don’t really know where to start, so ill just jump in! Warning long blog post ;)

Nick Halloween 2013

 Lets start with fall and halloween last year lol! Sir Nick started preschool again in the fall of 2013 and went his two days a week for 2 hours and received his ptot while there. He also got his wheel chair end of october last year, so for halloween he was batman with a batmobile :) We went trick or treating down main with the trail of treats,  (this is where the local businesses hand out candy or treats) then we went to the rec center to the halloween party.There were all kinds of games and activities for kids there. He won the rec center halloween costume contest! His prize was a $30 gift card to Wal Mart and a stuffed snake with a balloon :) He had fun with it! 

In November we took a trip to St Paul for Nicks Botox injections and we got a new car, Happy Birthday to me ;) It is a 2013 Lexus silver.. :)                      

 Baby announcement picture November 2013
  November 2013 was a busy exciting month as we also we found out I was pregnant and sir nick was losing his only child status to be bumped up to older brother in July 2014. We announced it to the family in november at thanksgiving in Powell at Kandis!! While at Kandi’s we did a family Christmas tree adventure up the Big Horns to try and succeeded at getting marc and Kandi a tree!! Nick finally got to take his first sled ride :) 
I know he was 5 and hadn’t gone sledding almost a crime especially when you live in snow country lol.

Nick and I sledding November 2013
December 2013 was a pretty laid back month, i got sick right after returning from Wyoming and was out pretty much the whole month.  With everything going on we decided to stay home for Christmas 2013, so we just did a family thing here at the house. We did go to a friends house for New Years and had homemade pizza :) With being sick i had to give up my mma workouts and shorly following that I had to give up my pink gloves for the remander of the pregnancy, then anytime fitness ended up canceling pink gloves so that is currently in limbo. 

January 2014
Elizabeths baby shower cake
 My mom ended up catching a ride up with bryan for the last 3 wks of January to help me out with nick and just keeping up on the house as I started to get headaches do to the hormonal change of being pregnant. The help was so much appreciated and Nick enjoyed having his grandma here to entertain him. My accomplishment for January was doing a cake for my friends baby shower. So January was a very laid back month as well 

February 2014
We took a trip to lander to get the baby stuff we had leftover 
from Nick from Jays parents house. We also returned mom back to dad. We celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary while in lander with a date night.  While I was in my hibernation mode I didn’t even really help with the charity ball that the oilfield wives were gearing up to do this year. I started feeling somewhat better by the end of February.  
We attended the family bowling activity that was put on by oilfield wives which mr nick loved and we will have to take him again sometime. We ordered the crib and started the baby room :) We also started our grow operation with marc and got peppers, tomatoes and some other veggies started for the garden :) 
Nick bowling

   March 2014  
The annual oilfield wives charity took place, but fell on the same weekend that we had to take nick for his Botox so we weren't able to attend. Nick also met with his neurologist while we were in St Paul which all went well and there was no changes. We don't have to see him again until next  year unless something major happens, always good news to hear!  With operation baby room underway we picked up some baby items for baby girl layton :) 

Baby room in progress

Baby room in progress

Now on to april!
With the baby room under full construction we had to rearrange the office for our guest room as well. And the baby room was completed with the help of amazon and friends.. Jay started painting but I had some friends come out and help me with touchups, crib, dressers and wall stickers :)
April also brought my baby shower, which Kandi and Stephanie came up to attend and they ended up doing the 
cake :) My friends followed the baby room theme which as you can see is purple and owls :) They did an amazing job and I am very thankful to everyone who helped make it possible as   I didn’t get one with Nick because of the circumstance.

In May tooney moved in with us to help with sir Nick as I was not supposed to lift him as I progressed in the pregnancy.  While she was here, she accomplished quite a bit :) Got the garden in, helped jay plant trees and shrubs, put in the front flower garden and kept up the house and up with mr nick. 
Nick had so much fun with Grandma being here.                They would work on dishes and laundry, play with magnets and read books. They created so many memories and her help was priceless. 

June brought so many changes to our family as we welcomed Miss Katie Raye to our family on the 18th :) She arrived by c-section weighing 5 pounds 9 ounces 17.5 inches long. With the C- section i wasn’t able to lift, and Tooney went home, so Jay took some time off  and Steph came up to helped for the first little bit then leighanna stayed the rest of summer with Jay helping when he could

July was spent getting used to a bigger family and healing up. My mom and dad came up for a couple of weeks to see the new baby. They were here when Marc and Katrinas new little one arrived. 
Baby Blessing 
Katies Blessing dress
                                                                                                                                         Katie and her new cousin Isabella were blessed on the 20th here in Williston with Jay doing Katie's blessing and Marc doing Isabellas. We had a family dinner with Katrinas family and Mom and dad at our house after.  Uncle Ralph passed away the end of July so Leighanna the kids and I made a quick trip to Billings for the funeral. 
First Day of School :)
 In August we went to MN for Nicks Botox and took Leighanna to the Mall of America :) We also did school shopping because Nick started Kindergarden on the 18th.  The kids and I went to the family camp in the big horns and met up with Steph to return Leighanna. Rex was able to come out so it was awesome to see him :) The camp was fun didn’t really do much with Katie and the weather but it was nice to have a technology break and just relax. We played in the rivers a little bit, got some card games in and went shooting. We also saw a bear from quite a distance away!  Would have been better if jay could have joined us but he had to work. End of august we took a quick weekend trip to lander so Jays parents could see the baby, did Nicks birthday pictures for his 6th birthday. 

September brought trying to get into a ritual with school, starting back up with working out and harvesting our tomatoes, Marc and I canned spaghetti sauce a couple of weekends the end of august and into september. 

Jay is still with weatherford and working tons of hours and is amazing :) He is such a great husband and dad. Thats all for now sorry for the book but you are all up to date on our family :)